Where to buy the Pass'Alsace : points of sale

List of Pass'Alsace points of sale

You have several options to get the Pass'Alsace. If you want to organise your holiday in Alsace before coming, the pass is available on our online shop and you can receive it by mail in 3 working days (for France) or withdraw it in one of the withdrawal points. You can also opt for the 100% dematerialized version, available almost instantly on your inbox. 

You can also buy it when you arrive in Alsace at one of our point of sale. You can find the list of points of sale on site below. By clicking on a seller, you will be able to access his description sheet (with practical information, schedules, contact details, etc.).


Office de Tourisme du Canton de Rouffach


Le Pays de Rouffach, à mi-chemin entre Colmar et Mulhouse, se situe sur l'incontournable Route des Vins d'Alsace. Découvrez un patrimoine riche et varié, des villages fleuris et suivez la prestigieuse Route Romane d'Alsace. Partez à la découverte des ...


Office de Tourisme du Grand Ried


Le Grand Ried, en Alsace Centrale, est une région aux richesses naturelles exceptionnelles. Situé entre Strasbourg et Colmar, bordé par l’Ill et le Rhin, le Grand Ried est entouré de grands sites touristiques alsaciens. Le Grand Ried ne manque pas po ...

Buy your dematerialized Pass online and use it immediately !

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