Reduction Parc du Petit Prince


A €2 discount is granted to Pass holders. In the heart of Alsace, between Colmar and Mulhouse, come and enjoy an unforgettable family experience in the world's first aerial park! "Every grown-up was once a child, but few remember". In just one day, rediscover your childlike spirit thanks to 34 unique attractions and activities that will immerse you in the poetic world of Antoine de Saint Exupéry's The Little Prince.

A €2 discount is granted to Pass holders.

Horaires d'ouverture
See opening times here.

Parc du Petit Prince

The Little Prince Park adventure began in 2014. The idea was to create a theme park based on the world of Saint-Exupéry. The agreement with his grand-nephew and estate manager was signed in 2013, and the Park opened a year later. 24 hectares, 36 attractions: the Park is organised around three major themes: flight (aviation and astronomy), travel, and of course encounters with animals (what would a Little Prince park be without sheep or foxes?) and nature.



Mobilité réduite

L’ensemble du site du Parc d’attraction est de plein pied et accessible aux visiteurs handicapés. Certaines attractions ne sont pas accessibles au personnes à mobilité réduite ou en situation de handicap. Vous pouvez vous référer au guide "Pass Prince" pour connaitre ces attractions. Sur présentation d'une carte d'invalidité, vous bénéficierez d'un tarif de10€/enfant ou 15€/adulte, 15€/accompagnateur (1 par personne) ainsi que 4 bracelets "pass Prince" vous permettant un accès coupe-file sur nos manèges.


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