Visit to the Firefighters’ Museum


Visit to the Alsace Fire Brigade Museum: one of the largest fire brigade museums in France. It takes over, completes, modernises and above all presents in its own premises the prestigious collection that has made up the Mulhouse Fire Brigade Museum until now and which was presented in the framework of the Railway Museum in Mulhouse from 1978 to 2003.

Visit to the Alsace Fire Brigade Museum: one of the largest fire brigade museums in France. It takes over, completes, modernises and above all presents in its own premises the prestigious collection that has made up the Mulhouse Fire Brigade Museum until now and which was presented in the framework of the Railway Museum in Mulhouse from 1978 to 2003.

Horaires d'ouverture
The museum will be open from 2 April to 30 September 2024, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 6pm. Outside these opening hours, groups of 10 or more may enter the museum by appointment only.

Firefighters’ Museum

Located in an attractive tourist region in Southern Alsace (Sunsgau), the Fire Museum of Alsace houses a collection of fire engines dating from the 1648-1969 period, in two large buiding (2,300 square metres or 26,000 sq ft). The collection includes wheel engines, ladders, side-cars, hand, steam and motor-pumps, as well as different equipment items : fireproof suits from the XIXth century, French and foreign helmets, etc.

Accès Bus

ligne 832 depuis Gare SNCF de Mulhouse

Accès voiture

Le musée du sapeur-pompier d'Alsace se situe à Vieux-Ferrette, village voisin de Ferrette. A 30 min de Bâle, 45 min de Mulhouse et à 1h de Colmar. Suivre Ferrette.

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