Visit of the Rohan Castle Museum and its gazebo


The Rohan Castle Museum features rich archaeological collections of Gallo-Roman and medieval objects discovered in and around Saverne. The museum has three sections: art and history, Louise Weiss and archaeology.

Temporary exhibitions are regularly offered there. Possibility to visit the museum and access the castle roof, the gazebo (on request, only in the afternoon and good weather conditions).

Possibility to visit the gloriette with the Pass'Alsace: discover this unusual place overlooking landscapes and monuments with orientation tables and short historical comments. 

The cellars of the castle house the archaeological collections. On the 2nd floor, the rooms of the Art and History section are still being transformed. The rooms devoted to Louise Weiss allow visitors to understand the beginnings of European construction by discovering the avant-garde political projects that she supported between 1919 and 1934 in her international political magazine l'Europe Nouvelle: Franco-German rapprochement, the first projects for European union and the League of Nations.

Horaires d'ouverture

From 3 February to 15 June: Wednesday to Friday, 2pm to 6pm; Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm. 

From 15 June to 15 September: Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm.

Exceptional closing dates: 1 January, Good Friday, 1 May, 1 November, 24, 25 and 31 December. Exceptionally closed from 8 January to 2 February 2024 inclusive.

The Rohan Castle Museum

The Saverne Museum is the oldest municipal museum in Alsace after those in Strasbourg and Colmar. In creating a museum in 1858, the city of Saverne expressed its interest and desire to preserve in a historical place "objects that bear witness to the greatness and antiquity of Saverne". These included the first archaeological discoveries made in the Saverne area, the many sandstone sculptures discovered by chance during construction or consolidation work on houses or during the digging of the Marne-Rhine canal in 1845, as well as paintings from Saverne's churches and the castle.

Accès voiture

Les abords du Château des Rohan, où se trouve le Musée, disposent de deux parkings de 95 et 400 places.


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