Visit the Decorative Arts Museum in Strasbourg


[3 out of 9 museums of your choice in the City of Strasbourg by Pass] The decorative arts collections trace the diversity and evolution of Strasbourg's applied arts from 1681 to 1870, particularly in the areas of furniture, ceramics, clocks and silverware. The museum also presents a selection of mechanical toys from the Tomi Ungerer donation.

The prestigious palace of the cardinals of Rohan and the arts in Strasbourg in the 18th and 19th centuries, with the famous Hannong earthenware dishes. The Museum of Decorative Arts is housed on the ground floor of the Rohan Palace. The former residence of the four cardinals of Rohan, bishops and princes of Strasbourg, was built from 1732 to 1742 on the plans of architect Robert de Cotte.

Horaires d'ouverture

Open every day except Tuesday 
From 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm on weekdays
From 10am to 6pm on weekends

Closed on 1 January, Good Friday, 1 May, 1 and 11 November and 25 December.

Visite du Musée Archéologique de Strasbourg


[3 musées au choix sur 9 de la Ville de Strasbourg par Pass] Les collections du musée installées depuis la fin du XIXe siècle dans les sous-sols du palais Rohan, leur variété et leur large champ chronologique en font l’un des plus importants musées d’archéologie en France. Vous y découvrirez l’histoire de Strasbourg et de l’Alsace, des débuts les plus lointains de la Préhistoire jusqu’aux premiers siècles du Moyen Âge.

Visite du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg


Le Musée des Beaux-Arts présente un panorama exceptionnel de l’histoire de la peinture en Europe du Moyen Âge à 1870 : primitifs italiens et flamands (Giotto, Memling) ; Renaissance et maniérisme (Botticelli, Raphaël) ; âge d’or de la peinture hollandaise et grands noms de la peinture flamande (Rubens, Van Dyck) ; baroque, classicisme et naturalisme aux XVIIe et XVIIIe s (Vouet, Canaletto,Goya) ; romantisme et réalisme au XIXe s. (Corot, Courbet).

Museum of Decorative Arts

The Museum of Decorative Arts is housed on the ground floor of the Rohan Palace. The prestigious palace of the cardinals of Rohan and the arts in Strasbourg in the 18th and 19th centuries, with the famous Hannong earthenware dishes.

Accès Bus

Bus : lignes 14 et 24 arrêt Ancienne Douane

Accès en tram

Tram : ligne A et D arrêt Langstross Grand'Rue

Accès voiture

Dépose minute à l’Ancienne Douane et places de parking au Quai au Sable. Accès à la cour du Palais sur demande.

Handicap moteur

Accessible en fauteuil roulant (actionnez la sonnette du portail du Palais Rohan pour s'adresser à la loge, à droite sous le porche)

Rohan palace

The Rohan Palace in Strasbourg was built from 1732 to 1742 according to plans by Robert de Cotte, First Architect to the King, for Cardinal Armand-Gaston de Rohan-Soubise, Prince-Bishop of Strasbourg. Designed on the model of the great Parisian hotels, the Episcopal Palace of Strasbourg is one of the most beautiful architectural achievements of the French 18th century, both for the noble and classical elevation of its facades and for its sumptuous interior decorations. Built, decorated and furnished in the space of ten years, this sumptuous residence, which has remained almost unchanged since its construction, is distinguished by its exceptional unity of style. The city's Fine Arts Museum moved there in 1889, followed by the Archaeological Museum in 1913 and the Decorative Arts Museum in 1924.

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