Visit La Villa, Archeological Centre


In the heart of the town of Dehlingen, come and discover an interactive place, open to all, which invites you to discover a heritage and a territory! In an original building that combines a 17th century dwelling with a contemporary adobe extension, you can touch, taste and experience archaeology by conducting a real investigation! The Villa offers numerous workshops, tours, unusual visits, guided tours or storytelling, temporary exhibitions open to artists and local partners, shows, film screenings, conferences...

All areas are accessible to visitors with motor disabilities or reduced mobility. Loan services: wheelchair, folding cane-seat. The permanent exhibition, which explains the various facets of the profession of archaeologist and evokes life in Roman times, is the central point of this heritage interpretation centre. However, the four interpretation trails through the meadows and orchards are just as important. They lead you to the remains of the Gallo-Roman villa discovered in the 19th century and to an experimental garden, a gourmet evocation of the period.

Horaires d'ouverture

The Villa is open :

February and April: Wednesdays during the school holidays from 2pm to 5pm 

May and June: Wednesdays and Sundays from 2pm to 5pm

July and August: Tuesday to Sunday except Saturday from 2pm to 5.30pm

September: Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th from 2pm to 5.30pm

La Villa, Archeological Centre

Opened in 2014 in Dehlingen, La Villa is no ordinary museum. Designed as a modern cultural venue open to all, it is conceived as an invitation to discover the heritage of Alsace Bossue through an interactive tour. Nestled in the heart of the Grand Est region (France), the exhibition is housed in an exceptional building that combines a 17th century dwelling with a contemporary extension made of adobe, an age-old earth construction technique. The scenographic spaces introduce you to archaeology, based on the work carried out at the archaeological site of the Gurtelbach villa, to help you discover what this discipline can teach us about the past in the Gallo-Roman countryside.

Accès Train

Une ligne ferroviaire TER Strasbourg/Sarreguemines/Sarrebruck fait un arrêt dans la commune de Diemeringen, à 6 km de Dehlingen. 

Mobilité réduite

L’espace d’exposition est équipé d’un ascenseur permettant l’accès et le déplacement libre des personnes à mobilité réduite dans tous le bâtiment.

Introduction to excavation workshop

From 21 to 22 September 2024

Animation ponctuelle


Discover the fascinating job of an archaeologist and Roman daily life at the museum, then learn about archaeological excavation on the ancient site of the Gurtelbach villa, alongside an archaeologist and members of the Société de Recherche Archéologique d'Alsace Bossue! Adults and children from 7 years old!

5 rue de l’Église –

03 88 01 84 60


From 21 to 22 September 2024

Exposition temporaire


Meet at the museum - Free. Guided tours of the exhibition and beer tasting. Discover how the Gauls and Romans processed cereals to make beer! This exhibition presents the results of the brewing experiment carried out in June. In partnership with the Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives and the Le 100ème Singe brewery in Altwiller.

5 rue de l'église
67430 Dehlingen


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