Visit to the Alsace-Moselle Memorial

Heritage tourism

Immerse yourself in the history of Alsace and Moselle from 1870 to today with faithful reconstructions. You’ll feel just like you're there! Let you go in the heart of a historic and interactive course in the meanders of the fate of a region border, Alsace-Moselle of 1870 in our days, with a particular lighting on the World War 2, the totalitarian system and a space dedicated to the French-German reconciliation and building Europe. Movies, documents, film sets to cross the wall of History, to exchange, to think…

The Alsatians and Moselle changed nationality four times between 1871 and 1945. Through an immersive and dynamic scenography, the Alsace Moselle Memorial reveals the particular history of these territories, from 1870 to the present day, particularly during the Second World War.

From 1940 to 1945, Alsace and Moselle were the only part of France to be annexed to the Third Reich and to experience the extreme violence of a totalitarian regime.

This situation cannot be understood without going back to the traces of a region that was disputed for a long time by France and Germany, and today is rich in the cultures inherited from this long struggle.

This place offers a history lesson of universal scope that teaches us the need to unite Europeans in their diversity and in respect for the dignity of each one to offer them peace and freedom. The final space is dedicated to the construction of Europe.

Horaires d'ouverture
The Alsace-Moselle Memorial is OPEN every day from 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m., including public holidays (except: closed from 8 to 31 January 2024, 1 May 2024, 24, 25 and 31 December 2024 and 1 January 2025).

Alsace-Moselle Memorial

The building of an historical interpretation centre telling the story of the people of Alsace and Moselle was the resultat of an initiative of Jean Pierre Masseret, then Secretary of State of Former Soldiers and War Victims, and supported by regional elected officials such as Philippe Richert, Alain Ferry and Frederic Bierry. In 1999, Philippe Richert and Jean-Pierre Masseret decided the construction of the Memorial Alsace-Moselle and decided to build it in Schirmeck.

Accès Train

Schirmeck est desservie sur la ligne Strasbourg/Saint-Dié (40 min depuis Strasbourg). Le Mémorial est situé à 10 minutes, à pied, du centre-ville et de la gare.

Accès voiture

Le Mémorial Alsace-Moselle se trouve au carrefour de l’Alsace, de la Lorraine et des Vosges. En voiture, à : 

  • 40 minutes de Strasbourg
  • 45 minutes de Colmar et Saint-Dié
  • 1h de Nancy
  • 1h45 de Metz
  • 30 minutes de l’aéroport d’Entzheim

Mobilité réduite

Le Mémorial Alsace-Moselle est accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite. L’accès en voiture, pour les personnes à mobilité réduite et les personnes qui éprouvent des difficultés à marcher, se fait par le haut du Mémorial.

Exhibition ‘A very marked Alsace-Moselle. 1939-1945: the testimony of history and postal marks’.

From 11 February to 30 May 2025



To mark the 80th anniversary of the Liberation, from 11 February to 30 May 2025. In collaboration with the Association des spécialistes en marques postales et oblitérations d'Alsace-Lorraine (SPAL). Letters, envelopes, postal forms, postage stamps and postmarks bear witness to exchanges and their times, often reflecting the daily lives of ‘little people’. Postal documents brutally highlight the Nazi takeover of Alsace and Moselle between 1940 and 1945. In a bid to erase all reminders of France, the Nazis created new postmarks with Germanised names and used their own postage stamps. Mail between Alsace, Moselle and the rest of France, as well as to and from other countries, was subject to strict French and German postal controls. Free admission.

Allée du Souvenir Français
Allée du Souvenir Français
67130 Schirmeck


History by torchlight

14 March 2025 at 18:00

Animation ponctuelle


For around an hour and a half, accompanied by a mediator-guide, plunge into the half-light of the Memorial's rooms to discover, in a different way, the tumultuous history of Alsace and Moselle between 1870 and 1945, as well as the construction of Europe. The absence of light highlights the scenography, which becomes more prominent. The senses are heightened, the sounds amplified, and our bearings in space altered. Only the beam of light from the guide's torch illuminates the documents and archives that bear witness to this history. This tour offers a unique experience for visitors, whose perceptions sharpen and evolve as the tour progresses.

Allée du Souvenir Français
67130 Schirmeck


Guided tour for young people "Jean ou Hans, quelle histoire!

9 April 2025 at 11:00

En famille


Accompanied by their parents and guided by a mediator, children will follow in the footsteps of a little Alsatian boy their own age, Jean, and his family.
Through his settings, films and stories, families will discover the tumultuous history of the region during the Second World War. A not-to-be-missed event for learning more about the daily lives of children during this period.

Mémorial Alsace-Moselle - Allée du Souvenir français - 67130 SCHIRMECK
Allée du Souvenir français


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